Schools Engagement Plan

Why a School Engagement Plan?

School Programs are one of the most effective ways to engage local Junior players and strengthen your Club’s relationships with the community, and a School Engagement Plan can help your Club to Plan and execute a Schools Program to benefit your Club.

Schools Programs provide a win-win scenario for all involved:

  • The school receives an engagement program that is run for free by an external entity (fewer costs and less effort than a school-led program)

  • The Sporting Club attracts new players

  • The Children get to participate in a fun sporting program

What does a School Engagement Plan Include?

  • Club Builder’s School Engagement Program Framework, including the steps and action points for conducting the program

  • Identification of the schools and age groups that your Club should be targeting

  • A comprehensive budget and funding strategy

  • Workforce role descriptions for volunteers

  • Comprehensive Program strategy to attract program participants to your Club

Timeframe: 3-4 Weeks